Logo Fivefold Training
Logo Fivefold Training

1 Day Outdoor Experience

An innovative and interactive team-building experience for groups and churches

Can you imagine?

1 day where you will experience fun, challenges and self-discovery and learn how to work with others to strengthen your team by learning and applying the dynamics of five-fold ministry in a fun way.

Key Facts

WHO: You and your group
WHAT: 1 Day Outdoors growing stronger together as you discover Jesus gifts together
WHERE: Vienna Forest, or location in your city
WHEN: 9am departure – 5pm return
HOW MANY: minimum 5 participants, maximum 11 (larger than 11 splits into subgroups)
WHY: To discover gifts, to grow stronger as a team, to have fun, and to learn more about Jesus
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  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training
  • Fivefoldtraining - Outdoor Training

How does it work? What’s the Structure & Flow?

The evening before

The evening before the outdoor experience, participants will get a 90 minute overview of the foundational concepts of fivefold ministry from the biblical basis of Ephesians 4:1-16. In a workshop format, we will look at emphasizing unity (v1-6), exploring diversity (v7-11), and equipping for maturity (v12-16). Participants will gain a better understanding of what the five gifts are from fivefold ministry, and be prepared for the outdoor experience the next day.

1 Day Outdoor Experience

Participants meet shortly before the 9:00am departure. Each person receives a secret envelope at the beginning of the day from me revealing the superhero role they get to play and accompanying tasks. Using a story framework, participants will enjoy a day outdoors together discovering all five facets of Jesus and the gifts he gave, as I guide them through overcoming challenges, stepping out of their comfort zone, engaging in specific fivefold exercises, and developing into a stronger, more effective and balanced team. A lunch break is built in.

End of Day

Before the day comes to a close, there will be a direct debrief communally and next step bridge building to team application. The group will return by 5:00pm.

What participants are saying

  • "I found it really powerful how the experiential elements drew parallels to the "real world". I really have the impression that I have gained a much deeper understanding of the 5-fold ministry and what a difference it makes in everyday life. I also loved how everyone was in a role for the whole day and could try it out and practice it."
    Campus Bible School, Vienna, Austria
  • "I became more clear about my own and others' gifts. The less theoretical and more practical team-building way of presenting the fivefold ministry definitely helped understand how it can work in real life."

    Youth leader Denmark
  • “Most encouraging team building activity ever.”
    “Come to this training as a team. Go home from this training as a BETTER team.”
    “We managed to create ONE voice.”
    “I think this training could be beneficial for each and every company/team.”

    Participants from Henkel DX Company
  • “A fun and refreshing team experience, with depth & time for personal growth."

    House Church Leader Vienna & Austria Red Cross Project Management and Training
  • “It was a privilege to see others step into their roles and how they interacted. I would sum up my experience by saying the 1 Day Outdoor Experience is the best way to experience 5Q/fivefold ministry.”

    Mai-Brit Tvilling
    Priest, Solrød Methodist Free Church, Denmark
  • #Together experience the life of Jesus.
    The "aha moment" for me that I will apply in my life: Getting to know God and each other better and more intensely in challenging situations. Application: intentionally seek such challenges or be willing to take risks and live them.

    Leader EveryNation House Church Vienna
  • "I would sum up my experience by saying the outdoor training is a Biblical tool for working practically with your team to reach your full potential in Christ."

    Youth leader Denmark
  • "I really liked the concept and that each leader had a purpose and mission and the time for each fivefold activity."

    Youth leader Denmark
  • “I liked the flow of the experience. Nathan was very well prepared… “

    Dipl. Ing. Gabor Lambert
    Head of IT Service Delivery South East Henkel dx
  • “Team Building through the Trees was the activity that was most impactful for me personally because it taught us the most about APEST as a group.”
    Team Co-Lead, Zanzibar
  • “The interactive and immersive experience provided real examples to draw from in thinking about and understanding how each gift works and functions. Our team undoubtedly grew closer together and appreciative of one another and the diverse giftings and how they can function together in unity. “
  • “A day full of fun with some really deep insights in the people around you and life-changing takeaways.”
  • “I found the variety of exercises super. A lot of interaction — it makes you want to explore and discover more. The applications were good. A good mixture of just plain fun and instructive insights. A really recommendable experience for churches, teams, bible schools or small groups.”
    Gudrun Marko
    Leader, Campus Bible School, Vienna, Austria
  • “A day filled with practical parables that give a deeper understanding of the Fivefold ministry, with a focus on Jesus.”

    “I love nature and experiential education. It was well structured and the exercises were easy to master.”

    “The day has shown me new perspectives and the relevance of the fivefold ministry.”
    Various participants
    Campus Bible School, Vienna, Austria

What are the Takeaways & Outcomes?

Learning by Doing - the group as whole will live out the gifts Christ gave to us.
Greater Awareness - participants will have a greater understanding each of the five roles
Deeper Appreciation - participants will learn to appreciate others on their team in deeper way
Real Unity - participants will takeaway a common experience that bonds them together
Discovery Activation- participants will be able to discover which areas they are gifted in through practical exercises
Holistic growth - the group as a whole will move more towards representing Christ in his fullness
Milestone Memory - participants will enjoy an unforgettable experience personally and as a team to look back on as a milestone
Outdoor Training

Sound exiting?

The 1 Day Outdoor Experience is available in two formats
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