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Discover Your Fivefold Gifts. 

Collaborate Healthier as a Team. Watch your Church Flourish as they are Equipped in Fivefold Ministry.

Innovative and Interactive Fivefold Trainings for You, Your Team and Your Church.
Download your Free Exercise

Why this Matters to You

Most people don’t know their fivefold spiritual gifts, how to discover them, or how to use them in real life, so I’ve created innovative and interactive Trainings, Coachings, and written a training manual to help you not just discover, but also activate your gifts, so that you can live life to the fullest, your team can be more collaborative, and your church can reflect the fullness of Christ.

What is the Fivefold ministry?

Have you heard of fivefold ministry, but don’t yet fully understand what it’s about? Summarized shortly, fivefold ministry is:

The five dimensions of Jesus character and ministry that he gave to us, the church, as gifts: to enjoy, to live out and to equip others in, so that his fullness will be more visible in this world.

Where does this concept come from? The Bible tells us in Ephesians:

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ… (Ephesians 4:11-13)

How can you envision these five gifts and areas that Jesus gave to the church according to the Bible?
Curious? Would you like to discover more?

Do you know about the fivefold ministry in theory, but have never experienced how it can work practically? Or maybe you would like to help other people discover their gifts and talents, but don’t know how? Or maybe you are a pastor and feel overburdened and would like to activate your members in ministry? I’m convinced that the fivefold ministry is a key to solving these challenges.

I would like to support and guide you in a process to create understanding and activation of the fivefold ministry.

I am fascinated by Jesus and how he is reflected through the five areas in Ephesians 4:11, how he gave them to the church for unity, diversity and maturity, and how we can make disciples of Jesus along these five lines, so that the fullness of Christ will be more visible in this world!
What is Fivefold Ministry?
Have you heard of fivefold ministry, but don’t yet fully understand what it’s about? Summarized shortly, fivefold ministry is:
The five dimensions of Jesus character and ministry that he gave to us, the church, as gifts: to enjoy, to live out and to equip others in, so that his fullness will be more visible in this world.
Where does this concept come from? The Bible tells us in Ephesians:

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ… (Ephesians 4:11-13)

How can you envision these five gifts and areas that Jesus gave to the church according to the Bible?
Curious? Would you like to discover more?

Do you know about the fivefold ministry in theory, but have never experienced how it can work practically? Or maybe you would like to help other people discover their gifts and talents, but don’t know how? Or maybe you are a pastor and feel overburdened and would like to activate your members in ministry? I’m convinced that the fivefold ministry is a key to solving these challenges.

I would like to support and guide you in a process to create understanding and activation of the fivefold ministry.

I am fascinated by Jesus and how he is reflected through the five areas in Ephesians 4:11, how he gave them to the church for unity, diversity and maturity, and how we can make disciples of Jesus along these five lines, so that the fullness of Christ will be more visible in this world!

Discover the different live training formats:

Why Fivefold Training?

Here is what sets the trainings apart


New. Fresh. Inventive. These trainings are original and creative, fresh and experiential, inventive and the newness leads to new paradigms and practices.


We were created to work together. The church is called a body for a reason — it’s dynamic and interactive — a system of parts working together. When there’s interaction, there’s collaboration, and collaboration improves relationships, health, and effectiveness for the Kingdom.


These trainings are far more than information. They are inspiration for your soul and spirit. They are learning by doing through practical excercises that will inspire you that you are gifted, you are needed, and you are part of expressing Jesus to the world.

Discover the Trainings

Live Trainings

Interactive workshops based on Ephesians 4:1-16. Through a biblical theory foundation and especially through various practical exercises from the Pulse of Jesus manual in small groups, the time together will "grow the body so that it builds itself up in love." Jesus' ministries activated in the church!
More info about the trainings
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer
  • Fivefold Training Nathan Brewer

Key Principles around Fivefold Ministry

Fivefold ministry is often used interchangeably with the acronym “APEST” which stands for apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers.
APEST is given to the entire church - think about it, you want your church to be strong in teaching, in shepherding, in evangelism, in the prophetic, and in apostolic ministry — go ahead, embrace them all.
Each person is gifted with APEST and called to live out that gift & calling — it is not reserved for leaders or some “elite” group.
Each person in the body of Christ has all 5 APEST giftings within them to varying degrees of strength — we have Jesus in us.
Each APEST gifting has equal value in the body — there is no hierarchy.
The posture of serving in love is essential — never authoritarian.
To grow and mature it takes all five APEST giftings — that’s why we need to surround ourself with others who compliment our weaknesses, and need churches to have all five active.
Since APEST gifts are part of who we are, they are relevant for family, workplace, and neighbourhood — beyond just the church service.

Why are apostles needed?

Apostolic people are uniquely gifted by Jesus to launch innovative ventures in new places and inspire the expansion of the Kingdom of God. If they are missing, new ministries and churches will not be planted. There will be a lack of clear vision and a lack of framework for the other four areas to unfold.
Apostolic Track

Why are prophets needed?

Without prophetic insight, we will not have guidance, vision, clarity, or direction. There will be a lack of strengthening, encouragement, and comforting for the body. God’s presence and his holiness won’t be honored among believers, and his passion for righteousness and social justice won’t be displayed in the world. The status quo will reign, and the call for change will not be issued.
Prophetic Track

Why are evangelists needed?

If evangelistic voices are not listened to, there will be a lack of outward focus. Lost people, unreconciled to their heavenly Father, will continue living — and dying — without hope. The good news of the gospel will not go forth, and there will be no church growth, no saved people to shepherd, teach, encourage, or send out to reach their own circle. Evangelists are also needed to regularly remind the church of what the Gospel is.
Evanglistic Track

Why are shepherds needed?

Without shepherds, who care for individuals on a heart and soul level, there will be no mutual care amongst the body, and there will be a cold, impersonal atmosphere. People will not feel safe to open up and to be vulnerable, hindering inner healing. Without shepherds, connection, care, fellowship and unity will all suffer.
Sheperd Track
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Why are teachers needed?

If teachers are not active or equipped, a learning environment will not be cultivated and the body will be immature. Scriptures will neither be enlightened nor explained, and our roots will be shallow. Sound doctrine will give way to contemporary trends, compromising the Word of God.
Teaching Track

Nathan Brewer

I am a fivefold trainer and author, a spiritual entrepreneur. I design fivefold learning experiences for curious or discouraged individuals or churches so they can discover & grow in their gifts and experience synergy with others, coming alive.

I am the founder of Kyrios Ministries, an international collective of leaders who seek to reflect Jesus' fivefold ministry and are committed to making disciples and living on mission. I am a 5Q-Trainer, coach and consultant. My wife and I are planting a house church network in our hometown Vienna.
Nathan Brewer
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© Nathan Brewer 2021. All rights reserved.
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