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Logo Fivefold Training

APEST Specialty Tracks

Want to grow in a specific area as an individual, team, or church?
Discover more

Every team should be healthy, balanced, and effective

Every church should be as well, and should reflect the fullness of Christ. Jesus was all five, and gave all five to his church to reflect his fullness.

The problem is,...

...most churches are strong in one or two, missing out on having a maximum impact — or worse, struggling to survive — because the other three or four areas are neglected.

The good news is there is help

Jesus has already given your team, and your church, the potential to heal and grow and have that maximum impact. Let’s discover and activate it! Choose an APEST Specialty Track to grow in your needed area.

All Five Tracks are:

60-90 Minute Sessions

7 Sessions - your choice of Live / online via Zoom / or Hybrid

Interactive and immersive with 5 Practical Exercises

APEST Specialty Tracks

Choose an APEST Specialty Track to grow in your needed area.
Track A
L Track
P Track
H Track
E Track
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© Nathan Brewer 2021. All rights reserved.
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